
Suspicious Map

In this episode, Amy thinks about naprons with “map” and Ryan looks askance at “suspicious“.

Here is the Smithsonian Magazine article Amy references: From Ptolemy to GPS, the Brief History of Maps

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Superstitious Gymnasium Opportunity (Feat. Andy Hollandbeck!)

In this episode, Amy gives the supernatural a lot of credence with “superstitious” and Ryan revels in the “opportunity” to hear Andy Hollandbeck talk about the nudity of the “gymnasium“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Ramshackle Problem

In this episode, Amy thinks about how to throw a puzzle with “problem” and Ryan wonders about decrepit houses with “ramshackle“.

Huge, heartfelt thanks going out to Alex and Roberto for signing up as our newest Patreon sponsors!! THANK YOU!!

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Guest Adult Face (Feat. Paul Anthony Jones!!)

In this episode, Amy ponders how nice you have to be to visiting enemies with “guest“; Ryan wonders whether rocks or noses came first with “face“; and special guest Paul Anthony “Haggard Hawks” Jones discussed getting fully waxed as an “adult“!!

You can find Paul Anthony Jones on Twitter as Haggard Hawks or as Paul Anthony Jones, and in his writings all over the internet and in actual for-real book stores!

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Episode 85: Trampoline Mildew

In this episode, Amy pictures a camel on stilts bouncing on a “trampoline” and Ryan gets honey all over his hands with “mildew“.

Huge, heartfelt thanks going out this time to our new Patreon sponsors:

  • Chris
  • Ansel
  • Dermot
  • Scott
  • Glasses of Justice

Here’s where you can find The Endless Knot talking about colours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaDc5J2LD08

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Episode 84: Slight Hyperbole

In this episode, Amy asks many rhetorical questions of “hyperbole” and Ryan tries to avoid insubstantial insults with “slight“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Episode 83: Juggler Pants

In this episode, Amy talks about Italian buffoons with “pants” and Ryan wonders about how good wizards are with their hands with “juggler“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Episode 82: January Vaccine

In this episode, Amy talks about cows and disease with “vaccine” and Ryan ponders transitions and endless winter bleakness with “January“.

Here is the Mental Floss article talking about the Germanic calendar months: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61127/month-month-guide-anglo-saxon-calendar

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Episode 81: Quick! Despot!

In this episode, Amy talks about the land of the living with “quick” and Ryan considers Les Misérables with “despot“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!

Bonus Episode: Merry Humbug!

In this bonus episode, Ryan takes a dive into the surprisingly long-lived “humbug” and the curiously short “merry“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each (normal) episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at www.patreon.com/lexitecture   Thanks!