
Bonus Episode: Merry Humbug!

In this bonus episode, Ryan takes a dive into the surprisingly long-lived “humbug” and the curiously short “merry“.

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each (normal) episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 80 – Doctor Fascinating

In this episode, Amy talks about dicks that tell women what to call themselves with “doctor” (6:15) and Ryan has attempts a description of a flying penis monster with “fascinate” (17:58).

Huge and heartfelt thanks to Alejandro for signing up as our newest supporter on Patreon!

Also, if anyone reading this knows how we can get in touch with Nicolas Cage, let us know. This is a guest episode that *NEEDS* to happen.

The Catullus poem that we discuss in this episode can be found here and also here:

Lesbia, you ask how many kisses of yours would be enough and more to satisfy me. As many as the grains of Libyan sand that lie between hot Jupiter’s oracle, at Ammon, in resin-producing Cyrene, and old Battiades sacred tomb: or as many as the stars, when night is still, gazing down on secret human desires: as many of your kisses kissed are enough, and more, for mad Catullus, as can’t be counted by spies nor an evil tongue bewitch us.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 79: Read English

In this episode, Amy gathers mysterious etchings and meanings with “read” (27:58) and Ryan is a not-historian learning about fishing and billiards with “English” (0:56).

Huge and heartfelt thanks to Leah for signing up as our newest supporter on Patreon!

Also, for anyone interested in the Fosbury Flop, check out this video that talks about how Dick Fosbury revolutionized the high jump at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 78: Scunnered Instrument

In this episode, Amy just gets so tired of it all with “scunnered” (27:58) and Ryan takes very precise measurements with “instrument” (0:56).

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Blogisode 1: Nice Serendipity!

Hey everybody!

The time has come at last! Thanks to delightful listener Luca, we now have a bunch of actual transcripts of episodes to post. These will be linked from the episode show notes, but you’ll also be able to find them on their own section of our site just in case you ever want them, and hopefully they’ll make our show even more accessible.

So, without further ado except for another huge shoutout of thanks to Luca for the work put into these, here we are:

Read More

Episode 77: Ghost Engine

In this episode, Amy becomes an angry, vengeful stranger (but probably not) with “ghost” (11:30) and Ryan does the thing he was always meant to do with “engine” (30:31).

Special and enormous thanks to Sara and Fede for joining up as supporters of the show on Patreon! We wildly appreciate you and all our fabulous sponsors!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 76: Grab Bag

In this episode, Ryan reaches into a “bag” to “grab” some “spice” fit for a “vegetable” “sausage” (41:40).

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each (normal) episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 75: Identity Twit

In this episode, Amy distinguishes one from another with “identity” (18:30) and Ryan rebukes (gently, eventually) a “twit” (41:40).

Special and enormous thanks to Alicia and David for joining up as supporters of the show on Patreon! We wildly appreciate you and all our fabulous sponsors!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 74: Hybrid Gun

In this episode, Amy gets bloodlines crossed with “hybrid” (18:30) and Ryan finds a new eponym in “gun” (41:40).

For anyone interested in checking out “Kids Mental Health in a Time of Covid“, just follow the link (with thanks!)

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 73: Fear Tab

In this episode, Amy thumbs through a variety of definitions of “tab” (18:30 – with a side-trip into the story of “tag” at 34:20) and Ryan tries not to get ambushed by “fear” (41:40).

Also, thanks to new Patreon supporter, Laurel (0:55) and to Luca for (1:30) for transcribing a couple of our early episodes!! 

We also talk about a guy who doesn’t speak/know Scots writing the bulk of Scots Wikipedia (4:30).

Here’s the “Acronymphomania” article Amy talked about.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!