
Episode 105: Oxter Lozenge

In this episode, Amy is up to her “oxters” in etymology and Ryan works on dissolving a “lozenge“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Archaeolexy: Ginger

In this episode, we look back at some of our favourite words, starting with Amy’s chopping up of “ginger” from Episode 23!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Archaeolexy: Log

In this episode, we look back at some of our favourite words, starting with Ryan’s notes on “log” from Episode 8!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Archaeolexy: Loaf

In this episode, we look back at some of our favourite words, starting with Ryan’s look at “loaf” from Episode 6!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Archaeolexy: Serendipity

In this episode, we look back at some of our favourite words, starting with Amy’s exploration of “serendipity” from our very first episode ever!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 104: Fabulous Penguin

In this episode, Amy becomes a woman of stories with “fabulous” and Ryan connects Wales, Patagonia and the Round Table with “penguin“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 103: Feisty Tire

In this episode, Amy learns to blame the dog for being “feisty” and Ryan to dress himself with “tire“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 102: Listener Wordstravaganza 5

In this episode, Ryan is all by his onesy, digging into the bag of listener suggestions and pulling out “manicure“, “care“, “pink“, and “endeavour“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each (normal) episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 101: Vocable Fetish

In this episode, Amy communicates in non-word noises with “vocable” and Ryan learns how Eldritch White Men ruin everything with “fetish“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 100: Surrogate Friend

In this episode, we hit a momentous and arbitrary-base-10-numbering-system milestone of 100 episodes! Amy gets cheesy with “friend” and Ryan asks for a sub with “surrogate” but the REAL story is all the amazing people who contributed clips, and to whom we are extremely grateful:

We are consistently and boundlessly amazed by how supportive, generous and generally awesome all of our podfriends have always been, but especially in helping us ring in our Centepisode with so many cool facts and wonderful clips!!

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Find us on Facebook, or on Twitter, or on Reddit, or join our Word Nerd HQ Facebook group!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!