
Episode 33: Subtle Sequin

In this episode, Amy thinks about decorating with money with “sequin” and Ryan tries to examine the imperceptible with “subtle“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 32: Temperature

In this episode, Amy is kept from us due to the curses of scheduling conflicts and Ryan wonders why, when and how we got so fixated on heat and cold with “temperature“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each (normal) episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 31: Old Dog

In this episode, Amy reflects on the young and otherwise with “old” and Ryan theorizes about English’s gift to the world with “dog“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 30: Hogmanay Organ

In this episode, Amy reflects on Scottish holiday traditions with “hogmanay” and Ryan talks Chaucer with “organ“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 29: Carol Dilemma

In this episode, Amy finds herself bullish with “dilemma” and Ryan turns around in circles with “carol“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 28: Turkey Fathom

In this episode, Amy looks at bishops, arms and bosoms with “fathom” and Ryan ponders lazy colonial geography errors with “turkey“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Finally, to support the podcasting work we do, please consider becoming a Patreon sponsor at   Thanks!

Episode 27: Sad (feat. Mark Sundaram!)

One can hardly believe it – ANOTHER super special episode! Not only is it another time that Ryan and Amy were able to record an episode in the same room, but we’re joined by another special guest! Mark Sundaram (of The Endless Knot) moderated our “podcasting about language” panel (which also included last episode’s special guest Kevin Stroud of The History of English Podcast, Mignon Fogarty – Grammar Girl – and Patrick Cox from The World in Words) and presented a talk at the Sound Education conference in Boston with his wife and Endless Knot co-host Aven. He was gracious enough to come along and bring a word of his own to chat about this episode.

Because of time constraints on the day we recorded this, we only had time for one word, so the three of us sat around and pondered the long and bizarre history of “sad“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to. Another way to show your support for our work is by becoming our patron over on Patreon. You can find us at!   Thanks!

Episode 26: Mystic Adamant Spoon (feat. Kevin Stroud!)

This, friends, is a very special episode! Not only is it the first time that Ryan and Amy have been able to record an episode in the same room, but there’s a special guest here as well! Kevin Stroud (of the History of English Podcast) sat on the Language Podcasting panel with us (and Mark from The Endless Knot, Mignon Fogarty – Grammar Girl – and Patrick Cox from The World in Words) and presented his own talk at the Sound Education conference in Boston. He was gracious enough to come along and bring a word of his own to chat about this episode.

In this episode, Amy looks at tidal rivers with “mystic“, Ryan looks at steely opinions with “adamant” and Kevin talk about how civilized the Vikings really were with “spoon“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to. Another way to show your support for our work is by becoming our patron over on Patreon. You can find us at!   Thanks!

Episode 25: Sorry Boulevard

News (for those for who missed last episode)! We are going to be attending the Sound Education podcasting conference happening next month at Harvard. Both Ryan and Amy will be sitting on a “podcasting about language and linguistics” panel featuring folks from Grammar Girl, The Endless Knot, The World in Words and The History of English Podcast. Our panel is in the afternoon on Friday, November 2, and the conference runs the 2-3.

In this episode, Amy looks at painful apologies with “sorry” and Ryan looks at walking on walls with “boulevard“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Thanks!

Episode 24: Providential Surds

Two big news items this time around!

The first is that we’d like to send out a HUGE thank you to our very first ever Patreon sponsor! Scott has signed on to help us cover the cost of what we do here at Lexitecture, and we are humbly grateful to him for that! If supporting the stuff we do around here sounds like something you might be interested in, you can find us at

The second bit of exciting news is that we are going to be attending the Sound Education podcasting conference happening next month at Harvard. Both Ryan and Amy will be sitting on a “podcasting about language and linguistics” panel featuring folks from Grammar Girl, The Endless Knot, The World in Words and The History of English Podcast. Our panel is in the afternoon on Friday, November 2, and the conference runs the 2-3.

In this episode, Amy looks at hard-of-hearing irrationality with “surd” and Ryan looks forward with “provide“.

Lexitecture is a podcast about words. In each episode, a Canadian (Ryan) and a Scot (Amy) each present their current favourite word and talk about its origins, current use, and try to puzzle out how it may have gone from A to B. If you love thinking and talking about words, word origins, or just random bits of head-scratching language trivia, this may be the show for you!

Please subscribe to us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts!   Also, if you enjoy what we do, please give us a great rating on iTunes – it’s a huge help in letting other people know we’re worth listening to.   Thanks!